The Mediocre Photoblog of Shane Peden
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Built FORD TOUGH… in Japan
Neptune Beach
Staring up at The Tabernacle
Birmingham from the South
How Auditors See the World
Patiently Waiting for Grandma…
Arch St. United Method Church and City Hall
The London Eye and Big Ben
It’s Summertime baby!
The Irish Harp- iPhone 6 Vs a Canon DSLR
Peach is surrounded…
Red Hare Brewery in Marietta, GA
Date night with a sweetheart…
A Techno-Dad’s Disdain for the Digital Age
A selfie in the park
Banh mi Sandwiches in Philly Chinatown!
The best Facebook feature.
Artist’s Alley- Knoxville, TN
The Great Impellizzeri’s Monster Creation!
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